180 Mythical Dog Names
Naming your dog is an important and personal decision, one that reflects their personality, your interests, and even your favourite myths and legends. Mythological names are not only unique but often carry deep meanings and associations with strength, loyalty, and beauty. Whether you’re inspired by the heroic tales of ancient gods or the enchanting stories of goddesses, this comprehensive list of 180 mythical dog names will help you find the perfect name for your furry friend. If you’re interested about dogs in mythology you might also be interested in reading our guide on famous dogs in mythology
Table of Contents
ToggleTips for Naming Your Dog
- Consider Your Dog’s Personality: Think about their traits and behaviours. A brave dog might suit a strong name like “Thor,” while a gentle pup might be better named “Freya.”
- Keep It Short: Dogs respond better to shorter names. Aim for one or two syllables, making it easy for them to recognize their name.
- Test It Out: Say the name out loud and see how it feels. If you enjoy calling your dog by that name, it’s likely a good fit!
- Avoid Similar Sounds: Choose a name that doesn’t sound like common commands (like “sit” or “stay”) to prevent confusion during training.
- Involve the Family: Get input from everyone in your household to ensure that everyone loves the name and agrees on it.
180 Mythical Dog Names
Roman Mythical Dog Names
Roman Mythology Dog Names for Girls:
- Venus – Goddess of love and beauty, perfect for a charming dog.
- Minerva – Goddess of wisdom and war, ideal for a smart and fierce dog.
- Juno – Queen of the gods, suited for a regal and strong dog.
- Diana – Goddess of the hunt, great for an active and adventurous dog.
- Flora – Goddess of flowers and spring, fitting for a cheerful and playful dog.
- Vesta – Goddess of the hearth, perfect for a warm and comforting dog.
- Ceres – Goddess of agriculture, suited for a nurturing and gentle dog.
- Pomona – Goddess of fruit and trees, ideal for a dog that loves nature.
- Bellona – Goddess of war, for a brave and fierce dog.
- Proserpina – Goddess of spring and queen of the underworld, for a dog with a mysterious side.
- Luna – Goddess of the moon, fitting for a calm and serene dog.
- Rhea – Mother of the gods, perfect for a nurturing and loving dog.
- Terra – Goddess of the earth, ideal for a grounded and calm dog.
- Egeria – Goddess of fountains and healing springs, suited for a gentle dog.
- Tacita – Goddess of silence, great for a quiet and observant dog.
Roman Mythology Dog Names for Boys:
- Mars – God of war, perfect for a strong and courageous dog.
- Jupiter – King of the gods, ideal for a commanding and powerful dog.
- Neptune – God of the sea, suited for a dog that loves water.
- Apollo – God of music and prophecy, for a talented and energetic dog.
- Mercury – Messenger of the gods, perfect for a speedy and playful dog.
- Vulcan – God of fire and craftsmanship, fitting for a strong and creative dog.
- Hercules – Famous for his strength, ideal for a powerful dog.
- Bacchus – God of wine and revelry, suited for a fun-loving dog.
- Tiberius – Named after the Tiber River, great for a dog that enjoys nature.
- Cyrus – Meaning “sun,” perfect for a bright and cheerful dog.
- Aeneas – A Trojan hero, ideal for a loyal and brave dog.
- Faunus – God of the forest, for a nature-loving dog.
- Castor – One of the Dioscuri, fitting for a strong and brave dog.
- Fulgor – Meaning “lightning,” for a fast and energetic dog.
- Silvanus – God of the woods, suited for an adventurous dog.
Norse Mythical Dog Names
Norse Mythology Dog Names for Girls:
- Freya – Goddess of love and fertility, perfect for a gentle and affectionate dog.
- Valkyrie – Female warriors who choose the slain, ideal for a brave and protective dog.
- Saga – Goddess of poetry and storytelling, great for an intelligent dog.
- Helga – Meaning “holy” or “blessed,” suited for a resilient dog.
- Sif – Wife of Thor, for a loyal and steadfast dog.
- Skadi – Goddess of winter, perfect for a dog that loves the snow.
- Idun – Goddess of spring and rejuvenation, for a lively and playful dog.
- Nanna – Wife of Balder, great for a loving and gentle dog.
- Hela – Goddess of the underworld, fitting for a calm and mysterious dog.
- Frigg – Queen of the gods, ideal for a regal dog.
- Rindr – Mother of Balder, for a protective and nurturing dog.
- Eir – Goddess of healing, suited for a gentle and caring dog.
- Skaði – Goddess of hunting, perfect for a dog that enjoys outdoor adventures.
- Kara – A valkyrie, for a strong and fierce dog.
- Mimir – Named after the wise being, ideal for a clever dog.
Norse Mythology Dog Names for Boys:
- Odin – Chief of the gods, fitting for a wise and powerful dog.
- Thor – God of thunder, perfect for a strong and mighty dog.
- Loki – The trickster god, for a playful and mischievous dog.
- Frey – God of fertility and prosperity, suited for a joyful dog.
- Tyr – God of war and justice, ideal for a brave and noble dog.
- Balder – God of beauty and light, for a gentle and friendly dog.
- Hercules – The strongest god, perfect for a strong and courageous dog.
- Fenrir – A giant wolf, fitting for a fierce and loyal dog.
- Njord – God of the sea, ideal for a water-loving dog.
- Viggo – Meaning “battle,” for a brave and determined dog.
- Sigurd – A legendary hero, perfect for a strong and fearless dog.
- Heimdall – Guardian of the Bifrost, for a vigilant dog.
- Baldur – God of light, ideal for a bright and cheerful dog.
- Einar – Meaning “one who fights alone,” for a strong and independent dog.
- Jormungandr – The Midgard Serpent, for a large and powerful dog.
Greek Mythical Dog Names
Greek Mythology Dog Names for Girls:
- Athena – Goddess of wisdom, perfect for a clever and intelligent dog.
- Artemis – Goddess of the hunt, ideal for an active and adventurous dog.
- Hera – Queen of the gods, suited for a regal and strong dog.
- Persephone – Goddess of spring and the underworld, great for a dog with a mysterious side.
- Demeter – Goddess of the harvest, fitting for a nurturing dog.
- Hestia – Goddess of the hearth, perfect for a warm and comforting dog.
- Nike – Goddess of victory, ideal for a victorious and energetic dog.
- Eris – Goddess of strife, for a mischievous and playful dog.
- Calypso – Nymph who captured Odysseus, suited for a loving and affectionate dog.
- Aphrodite – Goddess of love and beauty, fitting for a charming dog.
- Iris – Goddess of the rainbow, for a colourful and lively dog.
- Theia – Goddess of sight and vision, ideal for an observant dog.
- Chione – Goddess of snow, perfect for a dog that loves the winter.
- Selene – Goddess of the moon, suited for a calm and serene dog.
- Pandora – The first woman, great for a curious and inquisitive dog.
Greek Mythology Dog Names for Boys:
- Zeus – King of the gods, perfect for a strong and powerful dog.
- Hades – God of the underworld, ideal for a calm and mysterious dog.
- Apollo – God of the sun and music, for a talented and energetic dog.
- Poseidon – God of the sea, fitting for a water-loving dog.
- Ares – God of war, great for a brave and fierce dog.
- Heracles – Known for his strength, perfect for a powerful dog.
- Theseus – A legendary hero, suited for a loyal and brave dog.
- Hermes – Messenger of the gods, for a speedy and playful dog.
- Dionysus – God of wine and revelry, ideal for a fun-loving dog.
- Achilles – Hero of the Trojan War, great for a courageous dog.
- Herculean – Strong and heroic, for a powerful dog.
- Helios – God of the sun, perfect for a bright and cheerful dog.
- Atlas – Titan who holds up the heavens, ideal for a strong dog.
- Cyrus – Meaning “sun,” for a bright and lively dog.
- Pandion – A king from Athenian myth, fitting for a noble dog.
Egyptian Mythology Dog Names
Egyptian Mythology Dog Names for Girls:
- Cleopatra – Named after the famous queen of Egypt, perfect for a regal dog.
- Isis – Goddess of magic and motherhood, ideal for a nurturing dog.
- Nefertiti – Meaning “the beautiful one has arrived,” suited for a charming dog.
- Bastet – Goddess of home, fertility, and domesticity, for a loving and protective dog.
- Sekhmet – Goddess of war and healing, great for a strong and resilient dog.
- Hathor – Goddess of love and joy, perfect for a playful and affectionate dog.
- Anubis – God of mummification, for a loyal and watchful dog.
- Ma’at – Goddess of truth and justice, fitting for a noble dog.
- Tefnut – Goddess of moisture, for a gentle and nurturing dog.
- Nut – Goddess of the sky, perfect for a dog that loves to gaze at the stars.
- Seshat – Goddess of wisdom and writing, ideal for a clever dog.
- Maatkare – Meaning “truth is the soul of Ra,” suited for a loyal companion.
- Aset – Another name for Isis, perfect for a protective and loving dog.
- Kali – A fierce and powerful goddess, great for a strong dog.
- Nephthys – Goddess of the night, fitting for a calm and serene dog.
Egyptian Mythology Dog Names for Boys:
- Osiris – God of the afterlife, ideal for a noble and strong dog.
- Ra – God of the sun, perfect for a bright and energetic dog.
- Horus – God of the sky, suited for a watchful and protective dog.
- Anubis – God of mummification and the afterlife, for a loyal and vigilant dog.
- Thoth – God of wisdom and writing, fitting for an intelligent dog.
- Set – God of chaos and storms, for a fierce and independent dog.
- Amun – King of the gods, ideal for a powerful and strong dog.
- Hapi – God of the Nile, for a water-loving dog.
- Khepri – God of creation and the rising sun, suited for a lively dog.
- Geb – God of the earth, perfect for a grounded and calm dog.
- Ptah – God of craftsmen and builders, ideal for a strong and capable dog.
- Sekhmet – Goddess of war, for a brave and fierce dog.
- Moses – A significant figure in Egyptian history, perfect for a wise and loyal dog.
- Aton – God of the sun disk, fitting for a bright and cheerful dog.
- Sobek – God of the Nile and fertility, ideal for a nurturing dog.
Celtic Mythology Dog Names
Celtic Mythology Dog Names for Girls:
- Brigid – Goddess of fire and poetry, perfect for a passionate dog.
- Morrigan – Goddess of war and fate, suited for a strong and fierce dog.
- Deirdre – A tragic heroine, for a loyal and loving dog.
- Aine – Goddess of love and summer, ideal for a joyful dog.
- Niamh – Meaning “bright,” for a lively and cheerful dog.
- Fionnuala – A swan maiden, fitting for a graceful and elegant dog.
- Rhiannon – Goddess of horses, for a strong and spirited dog.
- Scathach – A warrior woman, perfect for a brave and determined dog.
- Grainne – A legendary princess, ideal for a noble dog.
- Eithne – Meaning “kernel,” for a nurturing and loving dog.
- Siobhan – Meaning “God is gracious,” fitting for a gentle dog.
- Cailleach – A goddess of winter, great for a dog that loves the cold.
- Maeve – A warrior queen, for a strong and independent dog.
- Branwen – A beautiful princess, suited for a charming dog.
- Aisling – Meaning “dream” or “vision,” ideal for a whimsical dog.
Celtic Mythology Dog Names for Boys:
- Lugh – God of the sun and crafts, perfect for a skilled and lively dog.
- Cernunnos – God of the forest, for a nature-loving dog.
- Finn – A legendary hero, ideal for a brave and loyal dog.
- Brennan – Meaning “descendant of Braonán,” for a strong and noble dog.
- Gullveig – A powerful figure, suited for a fierce dog.
- Oisin – A legendary warrior, perfect for a strong and courageous dog.
- Donn – God of the dead, for a loyal and watchful dog.
- Aengus – God of love and youth, fitting for a playful dog.
- Kieran – Meaning “little dark one,” ideal for a mysterious dog.
- Eamon – Meaning “wealthy protector,” for a strong and protective dog.
- Ronan – Meaning “little seal,” for a dog that loves water.
- Cillian – Meaning “little church,” for a gentle and nurturing dog.
- Niall – Meaning “champion,” ideal for a strong and brave dog.
- Seamus – A variant of James, fitting for a clever dog.
- Tadhg – Meaning “poet,” for a thoughtful and observant dog.
Hindu Mythology Dog Names
Hindu Mythology Dog Names for Girls:
- Sita – The virtuous and devoted wife of Lord Rama, perfect for a loyal dog.
- Lakshmi – Goddess of wealth and prosperity, ideal for a cherished companion.
- Durga – A fierce goddess, symbolizing strength and power, suited for a brave dog.
- Kali – Goddess of destruction and transformation, for a strong and energetic dog.
- Parvati – Goddess of love and devotion, fitting for a loving and affectionate dog.
- Radha – The beloved of Lord Krishna, perfect for a playful and joyful dog.
- Gauri – Another name for Parvati, representing purity and beauty, ideal for a graceful dog.
- Saraswati – Goddess of knowledge and wisdom, for an intelligent dog.
- Rani – Meaning “queen,” perfect for a regal and elegant dog.
- Aditi – Mother of the gods, fitting for a nurturing dog.
- Meera – A devotee of Krishna known for her love and devotion, great for a loving dog.
- Anjali – Meaning “offering,” for a dog that brings joy and happiness.
- Uma – Another name for Parvati, ideal for a strong and beautiful dog.
- Kamala – Meaning “lotus,” symbolizing beauty and purity, for a graceful dog.
- Vaishnavi – A name associated with the goddess Lakshmi, for a gentle and caring dog.
Hindu Mythology Dog Names for Boys:
- Rama – The hero of the Ramayana, perfect for a noble and loyal dog.
- Krishna – The playful god known for his love and mischief, ideal for a fun-loving dog.
- Shiva – The supreme god, symbolizing destruction and regeneration, suited for a strong dog.
- Ganesh – The elephant-headed god of wisdom and beginnings, great for an intelligent dog.
- Hanuman – The devoted monkey god known for strength and loyalty, for a brave and dedicated dog.
- Vishnu – The preserver of the universe, perfect for a gentle and nurturing dog.
- Agni – God of fire, symbolizing energy and strength, for an active dog.
- Brahma – The creator god, fitting for a wise and thoughtful dog.
- Indra – King of the gods and god of rain and thunderstorms, for a powerful dog.
- Kartikeya – God of war, ideal for a brave and fierce dog.
- Rudra – A fierce aspect of Shiva, suited for a strong and courageous dog.
- Yama – God of death and the afterlife, for a loyal and watchful dog.
- Narasimha – The man-lion avatar of Vishnu, perfect for a powerful and fearless dog.
- Parashurama – The warrior sage known for his strength, for a brave and determined dog.
- Vamana – The dwarf avatar of Vishnu, ideal for a small but mighty dog.
Choosing a mythical name for your dog can add a touch of magic to your relationship. With so many rich stories and powerful characters to draw from, you can find the perfect name that resonates with both you and your dog. Whether you opt for a name from Roman, Norse, Greek, Egyptian, or Celtic mythology, your furry friend will carry a name full of history and meaning.
How do I choose the best mythical name for my dog?
Consider your dog’s personality, physical traits, and the meanings behind the names to find a perfect fit.
Can I mix and match dog names from different mythologies?
Absolutely! Feel free to combine elements from different mythologies to create a unique name for your dog.
Should I consider the length of the name?
Yes, shorter names (one or two syllables) are easier for dogs to recognize and respond to.
Are these mythical dog names suitable for all dog breeds?
Yes, these names can suit any breed; it’s all about your dog’s personality and what resonates with you.
Can I name my dog after a villain from mythology?
Definitely! Mythological villains can have powerful names that suit a strong or mischievous dog
What is a rare female dog name?
A rare female dog name could be Nyx (after the Greek goddess of the night), Saga (Norse goddess of storytelling), or Circe (a sorceress in Greek mythology).
Who is the goddess of female dog?
In ancient Greek mythology, Hecate is often associated with dogs and is considered a protector of dogs. She is a goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, and the underworld, sometimes depicted with hounds.
What is a good fantasy dog name?
A good fantasy dog name could be Fenrir (from Norse mythology, the giant wolf), Shadowfax (the name of Gandalf’s horse in The Lord of the Rings), or Astra (derived from the Latin word for “stars”).
What is the goddess of dogs?
In Roman mythology, Procyon is associated with dogs, but in Greek mythology, the goddess Hecate is more strongly linked with dogs, especially in her role as a protector of animals. She is sometimes accompanied by black dogs.
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